Plan and Host a Cocktail Party

When planning your party, it helps to choose a theme. This doesn't mean all your guests have to show up dressed like pirates or their favorite movie stars-a theme can be discreet, such as a flavor or color that is present throughout the entire evening. A creative theme can make your party feel special without adding to your budget, and it will help you come up with ideas for food, drinks, and decorations. If you have decided it's time to prepare to host a cocktail party, the first thing you should establish is the tentative guest list. After determining who you would like to attend, you can select a date and time for the party that will fit others' schedules, allowing as many of your invitees as possible to attend.

1. If you are hosting a gathering of friends or you are having a cocktail party as a birthday or anniversary party, your home can be a good location. A business party or other more formal affair may do better at a reserved room at a restaurant, the office conference room or other outside location.
2. A cocktail party is not supposed to provide a full dinner for guests, so a cocktail party is best held later in the evening, say from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm. An evening cocktail party typically also dictates the type of clothing the guests should wear. Simple yet elegant evening gowns uk is normal for an evening party. A woman should wear a simple dress or cocktail dresses uk pantsuit with minimal accessories while a man can wear anything from a suit to a casual blazer and slacks. A weekend afternoon is another fine time for a cocktail party, and the attire can be a little more casual.

Decorate with table linens, candles and simple floral arrangements. The complexity of the arrangements and quality of the linens should reflect the formality of the event. One of the trickiest parts of planning a party is knowing how much glassware to have on hand. First, consider simplifying your drinks menu. Make sure to provide a good selection, as well as offering non-alcoholic beverages for guests who do not wish to imbibe, but don't want to stand out. Another option to consider as you prepare to host a cocktail party is hiring a bartender who is capable of ordering liquor, wine, mixers, and everything else you will need, and is also able to set up an attractive yet functional bar. Some light finger food is recommended however, not just to live up to your Responsible Host duties, but also to add to the theme. Little spring rolls, a bowl full of wasabi peas, perhaps an antipasto platter with olives, sundried tomatoes, salami and cheese. Make sure you've got a good mix of music. Start with something upbeat to get people chatting, mixed with some classy mellow tunes.

Dress appropriately to welcome your guests. You are the first person your guests will see, so it's important to make a good first impression. It doesn't matter how nicely the party is decorated if you look disheveled or drab. If you indicated on the invitations that it would be a formal event, you should wear a formal dress; in fact, you're better off being overdressed than underdressed.